When you visit the church and worship with us, you enter into the space where God, in Christ, is at work among his people. You come into the place where God is leading, growing, shaping, and blessing through churchly means like preaching, prayer, and praise.

When you join Covenant as a member, you decide to stay in that space: to belong to a people, a family, a community—a church—where God is at work. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider joining us in following Jesus.

The Membership Path has four steps.

Step One: Explore Covenant Life

  1. If you are a new to Covenant or a looking for a fresh overview of the church, Covenant Life is the place to start. This class will overview life in the church and suggest some next steps you can take to get involved.
  2. Read the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

Step Two: If Necessary, Ask For a Transfer

If you are transferring from another church, ask that your current church send us a an email which lets us know you are member in good standing and that they commend you to our care. Once you are received as a member of Covenant, we will notify your former church.

Step Three: Meet with the Session.

  1. Fill out the meeting prep form. Then we’ll schedule a meeting.
  2. Meet with the pastor and elders. This is a special and personal meeting where we hear from your heart about how God has been working in your life. We’ll talk about what it means for you to join the church, and how the church can best serve you.

Step Four: Celebrate

During a Sunday morning worship service, you will profess your faith, and the church will commit to supporting you as we follow Jesus together. And if you are a new Christian, you and your children will be baptized.


Email us at info@covenantopctucson.org or schedule a phone meeting with the pastor.